Kelly Swartz


A tax deficiency, as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is a discrepancy between the amount of taxes you…

1 year ago

Differences between In House V. Outside Counsel

The decision to engage legal counsel is a critical choice for businesses, and options extend beyond the binary choice of…

2 years ago

Design Patents: All You Need to Know

What Is a Design Patent?   A design patent covers only the ornamental design of an object of manufacture. This means…

2 years ago

Why are Patents Important? Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Many people ask, “Are patents worth getting and what substantial benefits do they offer?”  The answer is unequivocally, yes.  The…

3 years ago

Why OSU Could Not Get a Trademark for THE

As college football fans welcomed back the return of another season, there has been much to celebrate. The time-honored traditions…

3 years ago

Beginning the Patent Process

  Attorney Kelly Swartz explains the first steps in protecting your patent.  Patents are an invaluable piece of intellectual property.  Frequently…

6 years ago

I Want to Make a Prototype. How do I Protect my Idea?

You have a great idea and you are ready to take the next step and have a prototype built. This…

8 years ago

Kelly G. Swartz

[one_half] Kelly G. Swartz [/one_half]

9 years ago