J. Mason Williams IV

They breached the contract so what kind of damages can I get? How about lost profits or loss-of-use?

By: J. Mason Williams IV It can be difficult to determine what type of monetary damages, if any, a party…

12 years ago

Will a Tenant get their security deposit?

By: J. Mason Williams IV I have been asked several times whether a person can get their security deposit back.…

12 years ago

Do you always have to pay rent?

The short answer is no, you don't always have to pay your rent, but the circumstances that allow you to…

12 years ago

Can I disinherit someone?

In Florida and many states (if not all states), the short answer is you can absolutely disinherit someone . . .…

12 years ago

What are the odds a case is going to trial?

Before starting my legal career, I often wondered how many civil cases actually go to trial.  I knew the number…

12 years ago

What does it take to create a trust?

A trust is an animal with several different heads.  In order to create a non-charitable trust, you need several different…

12 years ago

Substantial Completion: When exactly does it occur?

Substantial Completion When an owner decides to build something, he or she usually decides that he or she wants it…

12 years ago

Admissibility of Business Records

By: J. Mason Williams IV Most law students and attorneys seem to either have little or no problem with evidence or…

12 years ago

What do you do after losing at trial?

By: J. Mason Williams IV I lost my civil case, now what?  You decided to give it a go pro…

12 years ago