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Widerman Malek Law Blog

Unseen Obstacles You May Face in Court When Fighting a Lawsuit

If you have been sued, your first reaction might be that you are going to fight it with everything you have got. While this is understandable, it may not always be in your best interests to fight, even if you think you have a great defense. Here are a few things that might pop up […]

Tips on Planning Your Estate

If you have worked hard over the years and amassed a sizeable estate, you will want to make sure you have a definite plan for passing it on to your heirs. If you don’t have a will, your estate will run the real risk of going through costly and time-consuming litigation, and whatever does end […]

Parenting Agreements Can Be Works in Progress

More often than not, when people divorce, they get a parenting agreement that is meant to keep the children happy, healthy, and safe. The words that are used in that parenting agreement should be the resolving point when any type of a dispute comes up. However, when both parents agree to something that may be […]

Online Data and Divorce – What You Say Really Does Matter

It has become common that anything you say online, stays there indefinitely. Even if you delete it, someone out there could still find it, if they look hard enough. This needs to be carried over when it comes to legal matters as well. If you are going through a divorce and you have been talking […]

Even Online Giant Amazon Doesn’t Have Immunity

Nearly everyone on the planet has heard of online giant, Amazon. They are known for many different things, from their Prime memberships to their two-day shipping in many portions of the world. However, if you have ever used their Prime membership bonuses, then you know that sometimes their settings can be a bit difficult to […]

Katie McLaughlin Taking Sandwich Giant Subway to Court

If you are not familiar with the name Katie McLaughlin, she is the ex-wife of former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle. She has not only divorced the convicted sex offender, but is now taking the sandwich chain to court which Fogle used to represent. The reasoning behind her taking the sandwich chain to court is to […]

Arkansas Takes Steps to Stop Driving While Sleepy

We have all done it at one point in time or another – gotten behind the wheel to go somewhere when we were drowsy. It wasn’t the best idea if you were just a bit tired, but it typically doesn’t have long-term consequences. If you happen to be a resident of Arkansas, this may not […]

What Exactly IS an Emotional Support Animal?

Service dogs are a great asset to people with certain disabilities. They help those who are blind, or who have physical disabilities or even certain medical conditions. But did you know that there is another type of service animal? It’s called an emotional support animal (ESA), and it provides another type of crucial service to […]

You Can Only Carry Legal Firearms in Certain Places

You’re probably familiar with the second amendment to the Constitution. It protects your right to bear arms. So, if you are a legal gun owner (emphasis on legal), that means you can take your gun with you anywhere you go, right? Wrong. There are actually certain places you can’t take your weapon, even if you […]

Contraband Forfeiture to Save Abused Animals

You love your pets, most likely just like another member of the family. You care for them, cuddle with them and enjoy their companionship. It’s hard to imagine that there are people out there who could do otherwise, that there are those who would cause harm to the animals that share their home. Fortunately, there […]

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