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Widerman Malek Law Blog

How to Compose a Power of Attorney

Instead of waiting until it is too late, sit down and decide to compose your very own power of attorney. You can not only save yourself a lot of hardship in the future if ever something immobilizing was to happen to you, but you will also be protecting your finances and assets by putting someone […]

Ensure Proper Service of Process to Avoid Unnecessary Frustration in Court

One of the basic tenets of our judicial system is that someone cannot be sued unless they have been advised of the lawsuit so they may have the opportunity to appear in court and defend themselves.  Although there are some exceptions to the general rule—such as service by publication when a defendant cannot be found—for […]

The Rules of Evidence: Hearsay and Its Exceptions

If you are considering filing a lawsuit against someone you have probably already started to plan your strategy: how you will convince the judge (or jury, depending on whether it is a bench trial or not) that you have been wronged and should be compensated for the injury that you have suffered.  During the course […]

How Litigation Cases Are Formed

Litigation cases are where a lawsuit was the only option after exhausting the other legal options regarding a dispute. Litigation cases can come in many forms such as an eviction proceeding or an automobile accident. There can be several outcomes of a litigation case, but most of them do not see the inside of a […]

Can the Court Hear Your Case? The Question of Jurisdiction

If you intend to sue someone who has wronged you, you don’t want to go through the expense and hassle of filing a lawsuit only to have it thrown out because the court doesn’t have jurisdiction.  As such, it’s good to know about jurisdiction and how it affects you before you get to the point […]

Determining Personal Property from Real Property in a Business

When you own a business you own everything, or do you? A large portion of business law has to do with property.  There are two types of property that business law deals with and they are personal and real. Although individuals can also have real property and personal property, business property is not much different […]

Buying an Already Established Business

Many people choose not to start up a new business, but to purchase one that is already up for sale in the area. Some may inherit or purchase a business from a close or distant relative, while others may choose to buy the structure of the business and change the entirety of it on the […]

It Costs Money to Sell a Home in Florida?

If you plan on moving anytime soon, you might be shocked to find out that it will cost you to sell your home in Florida. While you would think that the only money that gets put out during the buying/selling of a home is the money from the buyer, that is not the case; the […]

Setting up a Small Business Means Getting a License

In Florida, if you own a small business, you need a license – it is that simple. But, what type of license you need could vary. Every business must have a general business license. This is called a business tax receipt and is received from your tax collector. The county and municipality you live in […]

How is Time Sharing Determined for Children of Divorce?

Time sharing of a child, as the state of Florida calls child custody, is determined a little differently than you might imagine. It is not based on which parent does more “parenting” or which parent requests sole custody; it is based on the best interests of the child. The interests are determined after evaluating 20 […]

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