Foreclosure Defense

Florida Foreclosure Dismissal may not be the End of the Fight

As a Florida resident you are entitled to many rights and protections under its laws, a foreclosure proceeding that is…

11 years ago

Loan Modification, Stipulated Judgment, Deed in Lieu,…What do you do?

Loan Modification, Stipulated Judgment, Cash for Keys,...What do you do? It is best to talk to an attorney before you…

12 years ago

Can Information from Mediation be brought up during a case?

As previously discussed, Mediation is an avenue of possible resolution in a civil case, regardless of the amount in controversy.…

12 years ago

Mediation-is it a good idea?

Mediation-is it a good idea? By: Eric L. Hostetler Mediation can either be voluntary or ordered by the court, depending…

12 years ago

Business & Asset Protection

Customizing Your Documents After your business entities are in place, or your business foundation is laid, your lawyer can begin…

12 years ago

U.S. Supreme Court Defines the Definition of a “Vessel”

We are back on the topic of eminent domain.  This time we take a look at floating homes and maritime…

12 years ago