Florida real estate investors have long used land trusts as a versatile legal tool with multiple benefits. The basic framework of a…
Running a business is tough these days … for many reasons. Business owners and senior managers don't need internal strife…
An eminent domain case usually starts before the case is filed in the courts. The state agency or the private…
Foreign nationals, both non-immigrants and immigrants, in Florida and around the country face many hurdles in applying for immigration benefits…
Anticipating a Business Divorce? Steps to Prepare for its Success. Unfortunately, you must prepare for the worst at the…
As you age, it is essential to consider the avoidance of guardianship. Avoiding guardianship rests solely on your intent as…
Under the American rule, each party to a lawsuit is required to pay its own attorney’s fees and costs unless…
People often wonder what they are entitled to see after a family member passes away or sometimes before, whether it…
As a medical practitioner, the last thing you should want or need to worry about is what may be in…
The litigation between Scarlett Johansson and Disney settled with undisclosed terms but the fons et origo* of the dispute is…