
Small Business Reorganization Act: What It Means for Businesses in Current Economy

Timing is everything as the saying goes. It is unlikely Congress had the foresight of COVID-19 to enact legislation on…

4 years ago

Bankruptcy Pre-Filing Debt Discharge Decision by Bankruptcy Court: Was It Bad Faith or Good?

At what point in time does acting in bad faith cause a pre-filing bankruptcy debt to be precluded from discharge?…

4 years ago

Join Us for the Upcoming Webinar “Navigating Bankruptcy for Businesses”

Please join us on Thursday, September 24, 2020, for the webinar “Navigating Bankruptcy for Businesses: What Are Your Options?” co-presented…

5 years ago

Real Estate Investors & Bankruptcy: SARE and Economic Crisis Impacts

Economy and Real Estate Market The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program expired at the end of July, which likely will…

5 years ago

Join Us for the Webinar “Pathways to Keeping Your Business Alive”

Please join us on July 30, 2020, for the webinar “Surviving the Pandemic Pain: Pathways to Keeping Your Business Alive,”…

5 years ago

Circuit Court Decision on 401(k) Contributions in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Solidifies Florida District Court Ruling

On June 1, 2020, in a 2-1 decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (6th Circuit)…

5 years ago