Communities, gated or otherwise, and condos are a great place to live. Your lawn is taken care of for you. Some places even have community centers, complete with pools for use by homeowners and organized activities such as games or Zumba. But there is a catch to these types of living spaces. Before you sign […]
Widerman Malek Law Blog
Do the Non-Smoking Laws Apply to Legalized Marijuana?
Since the legalization of marijuana, many landlords are finding it hard to find a clear delineation on whether or not they can let their tenants know that their buildings and apartments are smoke free zones, including marijuana. However, many of the rules and laws regarding the renting of properties have not been changed to include […]
The Civil Risks of a Landlord
A landlord has a lot of responsibility, including providing a safe and secure place for his tenants to live. In addition, however, he has a financial responsibility to his tenants. For example, if a security deposit is not being returned, there has to be ample evidence for keeping that deposit in order to avoid the […]