Florida real estate investors have long used land trusts as a versatile legal tool with multiple benefits. The basic framework of a land trust is as follows: The property owner conveys title through a deed to the new owner, the trust. The trustee of the trust holds legal title, while the beneficiary owns a beneficial interest in […]
Widerman Malek Law Blog
Inappropriate Harassment in the Workplace | A Primer for Florida Employers
Running a business is tough these days … for many reasons. Business owners and senior managers don’t need internal strife among their employees. Any business with employees must be ever conscious of this fact and have a definitive program to: Prohibit inappropriate harassment of employees. Minimize claims and legal actions against the company for such […]
Understanding Eminent Domain
An eminent domain case usually starts before the case is filed in the courts. The state agency or the private company that has given the power of Eminent Domain through the Florida Statutes will usually contact the landowner and try to negotiate a purchase price for the property well in advance of the government or […]
Why Hire a Licensed Immigration Lawyer | Part I
Foreign nationals, both non-immigrants and immigrants, in Florida and around the country face many hurdles in applying for immigration benefits in the U.S. The first important decision many foreign nationals must decide upon is whether to: Self-file immigration paperwork To hire a licensed immigration lawyer To hire a nonlawyer (unlicensed representative) However, foreign nationals should […]
How to Avoid Guardianship?
As you age, it is essential to consider the avoidance of guardianship. Avoiding guardianship rests solely on your intent as an individual and then your capability to draft those crucial documents that relay your wishes regarding who you want to take care of and make decisions for you on financial and medical matters. Two […]
Navigating the Proposal for Settlement Statute in Your Business Dispute
Under the American rule, each party to a lawsuit is required to pay its own attorney’s fees and costs unless a contract or statute states otherwise. One creature of statute that is available to shift attorney’s fees is the Proposal for Settlement. Another facet of the Proposal for Settlement is that it provides a way […]
Common Estate Misunderstandings
People often wonder what they are entitled to see after a family member passes away or sometimes before, whether it is a power of attorney, living will, will, financial documents, etc. So what are you entitled to and when? The answer, like many legal answers is, it depends. On what? Well, is the person alive? […]
Contracts, Doctors, and Common Mistakes: What You Should Know
As a medical practitioner, the last thing you should want or need to worry about is what may be in your employment agreements. Your years of schooling, testing, training, and keeping society healthy should be your dominant focus without the added stress of whether your practice and business contracts are set-up properly to protect you. […]
Johansson v. The Walt Disney Company, A Contracts Cautionary Tale
The litigation between Scarlett Johansson and Disney settled with undisclosed terms but the fons et origo* of the dispute is a contracts cautionary tale. Generally, each party to a contract should have a clear understanding of the terms of the agreement. It should be easy for a party to a contract to articulate what they […]