Musician Britney Spears, Artist Peter Max, and the Netflix movie “I Care a Lot” are a few of the headliners related to guardianships and conservatorships lately. The picture they paint is a bit of a scary one and one that is often avoidable. The picture is also one that is unusual, at least in my […]
Widerman Malek Law Blog
COVID-19 and Contracting with the Feds – 8 Things Florida Businesses Need to Know
On hold for now. The requirements of federal contractors and subcontractors under Executive Order 14042 – Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors (“EO – 14042”) issued September 9, 2021 and updated December 13, 2021 and the Workplace Safety: Guidance for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors (“Guidance”) issued by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force […]
Global Travel Resumes – A Guide on Travel Requirements for Immigrants
The Biden administration has signed a new proclamation stating it is safe to resume global travel to the United States following worldwide easement of COVID-19 restrictions. In the proclamation, President Biden revoked the previous COVID-19 country-specific suspensions and limitations on entry into the U.S. enacted under the previous four presidential proclamations, dating back to January […]
Immigration Alert: U.S. Covid-19 Travel Bans Lifted
On October 25, 2021, President Biden signed a new proclamation to advance the safe resumption of global travel to the United States in response to the worldwide easement of COVID-19 restrictions. In the proclamation, President Biden revoked the previous COVID-19 country-specific suspensions and limitations on entry into the U.S. enacted under the previous four presidential […]
Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Florida: Which Option Is Best for You?
Contested divorces in Florida seldom make sense, and here is why. Divorces are unlike a typical civil lawsuit. Unlike a breach of contract lawsuit, for example, there is no declared winner or loser in a contested divorce. In most cases, the judge will simply apply the same default rules at the conclusion of the trial […]
Five Widerman Malek Attorneys Selected as 2021 Florida Super Lawyers and Rising Stars
Widerman Malek is excited to announce that five of our firm’s attorneys are honorees for the 2021 Florida Super Lawyers and Rising Stars list. Each year, no more than five percent of lawyers in the state are selected to appear on the list of Florida Super Lawyers, and no more than 2.5 percent are selected […]
What Should Property Owners Know About Eminent Domain Case Requirements?
Eminent Domain Case Filing Before an Eminent Domain case can be filed and served against a property owner, the governmental or quasi-governmental entity taking the land, also known as the condemnor, must follow several requirements. The condemnor must have the authority to take land via eminent domain, have a public purpose for the taking and […]
Florida Supreme Court Adopts Federal Summary Judgment Standard
On April 29, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court decided that Florida will now follow the federal summary judgment standard and adopt the text of the federal summary judgment rule as opposed to crafting a new Florida-specific rule. However, the court did make one minor change, which includes that a court “shall,” as opposed to the […]
Estate Planning During COVID – The Importance and What It Entails
Throughout 2020 and into 2021, 2.04 million Floridians have contracted COVID-19. Sadly, over 33,000 residents have died from the disease, while over 83,000 Floridians have required hospitalization for the virus. Even if the first two numbers weren’t tragic enough, that last number alone should give all of us pause. While mere exposure to COVID means […]
How Permanent Insurance Fits Into Your Game Plan to Build and Protect Wealth
Permanent Insurance: Using the Two-Way Player Game Plan The pandemic caused me to watch more football this past season than any other. The game has changed much over the years. One remnant of a bygone era is the “two-way player,” who played both offense and defense. With a few rare exceptions, the two-way player is […]