To commemorate 10 years of fellowship, the partners of Widerman Malek, PL, along with their wives, celebrated large in West Palm Beach for…
We would like to give a BIG THANKS to all! With your help, The Widerman Malek, PL Kickball Tournament Was…
On Thursday, May 9, 2013, members of Widerman Malek, PL proudly attended the Sentinels of Freedom, Space Coast Chapter fundraising…
For the 4th year in a row, Widerman Malek, PL were the proud sponsors of the Junior Achievement Laureate…
Attorney J. Mason Williams IV judging at the Brevard County Bar Association’s High School Mock Trial competition on February 7,…
January 29, 2013 Contact: Scott Widerman FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel. 321-255-2332 Email: Widerman Malek, PL Obtains…
October 25, 2012 Contact: Mark Malek FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tel. 321-255-2332 Email: J. MASON WILLIAMS IV…
By Ken Datzman, Brevard Business News 05/28/2012 There are few government entities like the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Beyond…