Rights of Publicity

Students are Fighting Ridiculous University IP Laws

Students are increasingly running into issues where they create innovations while as a student at a University and the University…

8 years ago

Do I Need Intellectual Property Protection?

Intellectual property law has been around for well over two hundred years.   It has been added to and rewritten in…

9 years ago

What is Intellectual Property?

If someone asked you about Intellectual Property, would you know what they were talking about? Would you think it was…

10 years ago

Disney And Intellectual Property Rights

Disney is one of the most recognized and loved names in the world. Going to Disney World or Disneyland is…

10 years ago

3 Funny Intellectual Property Lawsuits

In the food industry, intellectual property is extremely important because your brand and its appearance is what sells your product.…

10 years ago

Interesting Famous Intellectual Property Disputes

Intellectual Property… You know that wonderful system that aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.…

10 years ago

Infringement Lawsuit Over a Paper Bag!

Here is an interesting piece of news about two companies using paper bags for advertisements. It all started when a…

11 years ago

Shark Tank: Scottevest Controversy Leads to Dropping of Clause

If you have not watched the TV Show “Shark Tank”, it is a show where small business entrepreneurs and inventors…

11 years ago

The Unionization of NCAA Players

What could the possible unionization of NCAA players possibly mean to a patent, copyright and trademark legal firm in Florida? …

11 years ago

Holograms, Michael Jackson and Cirque De Soleil

In 1991, Natalie Cole made headline news when she recorded the song “Unforgettable” along with her father, who had passed…

11 years ago