Rights of Publicity

Don’t Mess With Judge Judy!

Judge Judy, the well known television jurist who is known for settling small claims lawsuits on her show, but is…

11 years ago

Coinye, I mean, Kanye sues Amazon

Kanye West is surely no gold digger, but he’s certainly looking to figure out who is using his name satirically…

11 years ago

Y, M, C, No More?

More likely than not you have heard the “YMCA” at every school dance or wedding you have ever attended. As…

12 years ago

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act – Not Just for Protecting Intellectual Property?

No one would disagree that plane crashes are a terrible and inescapable fact of life in today's ever increasing busy…

12 years ago

A Christmas Story Gone Bad

We know the holiday season is over but we just couldn't help but pass this one along regarding a holiday…

12 years ago

Textbook Publishers Sue Boundless Learning for Plagiarism

One of the biggest gripes I had with attending college had to be buying textbooks.  Ten years ago when I…

12 years ago