
Is Fee Shifting The Solution To Abusive Patent Litigation Practices?

While fee shifting may be helpful in solving some of the abusive patent litigation practices that are out there now,…

10 years ago

Patent Protection Doesn’t Mean Freedom to Operate

By: Dan Pierron I've recently had several discussions with a client whose primary concern was his ability to make and…

11 years ago

Patent and Trademark Office Closed on March 3, 2014

USPTO Closed on March 3, 2014 due to weather.

11 years ago

PPH: Timing Is Everything

Generally speaking, the various Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) programs in which the United States has participated since 2006 have all…

11 years ago

Can I Patent My Food Recipe?

Family restaurant recipes are often kept secrets to protect their livelihood and fend off competition, but it is rare for…

11 years ago

The Importance of Filing for Both Utility and Design Patents

While watching Shark Tank Season Five, Episode 10, I was reminded of the importance of filing for both a design…

11 years ago

Traps to Avoid When Negotiating Royalties

Royalties are a wonderful way for inventors to collect payment for the use of their inventions. Any time a song…

11 years ago

Pre-Issuance Submissions – To Submit or Not Submit?

By: Dan Pierron Included in the changes with the AIA was the ability for third parties, those not under a…

11 years ago

Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights – What’s the Difference?

Many people tend to confuse the types of intellectual property protections that are available to them. In short, a patent…

11 years ago

Patent: A Tool, Not A Business

A patent in the United States grants an inventor the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for…

11 years ago