
Current Copyright Conundrum

This article is copyrighted, meaning that if you use it in whole or part you are breaking the copyright law…

10 years ago

Inventing as an Employee – What to Know

By: Dan Pierron Inventing is for many employees all in a day's work, literally.  Very often, engineers, scientists, industrial designers,…

12 years ago

A Fitting End(?) to Apple v. Samsung

By: Dan Pierron Nearly a year ago, the verdict in the patent infringement suit Apple v. Samsung came in, awarding Apple…

12 years ago

Pinterest and Instagram Users Beware

  By: Tyler Hampy As most readers are probably aware (but for those of you that aren’t), Instagram is a…

12 years ago

Ethical Considerations for Electronic Communication with Lawyers

  By: Tyler Hampy Lawyers often use social networking sites to stay connected to family, friends, and colleagues, and there…

12 years ago

Judge, can you “friend” me?

By: Tyler Hampy Although you may think that Facebook “friends” aren’t really the same thing as real-life friends, the ethical…

12 years ago

Facebook and the First Amendment

    Jennifer O'Brien had been employed as a school teacher in Paterson, New Jersey for many years. In December…

12 years ago

Facebook sued again…

  Larry Klayman, an attorney and General Counsel of an organization called Freedom Watch, brought an action against Facebook, Inc.…

12 years ago

March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction

By: Dan Pierron To all those in the Space Coast area, I would like to take some time to plug an…

12 years ago

What is Prior Art?

By: Mark R. Malek In my last article, I noted that an inventor has a duty to disclose prior art that…

12 years ago