- Amber F., who suffered emotional and severe physical injuries from a cosmetic surgery operation, was awarded $1,020,530.90.
- $100,000 was awarded to Michelle K., who was in a motor vehicle accident. The accident caused pre-existing conditions to be aggravated.
- Margaret D, a passenger on a well- known cruise line, was awarded $105,000 for injuries sustained when a hammock she was resting on failed.
- $750,000 was awarded to Edward O. after he was struck by a car while riding his bike. His injuries required him to have a metal plate installed in his spine.
- After a male was brought into the hospital for a herniated disc, he was diagnosed with an injury to his nerves at the base of his spine. He was awarded $1,250,000.00 when the hospital did not operate in a timely manner. This resulted in permanent injuries.
- Andalgisa V was awarded $250,000 when her eyesight deteriorated following Lasik surgery. It was determined she was not a viable candidate for the procedure.
- Morris Z was awarded $924,615.00 after his hands were burned from hot water from the tap of his rental condo. It was determined the water heater malfunctioned. He ultimately had several fingers amputated.
- After having surgical screws misplaced in her spine, Erin A was awarded $250,000 for damage to her back.
- Charles G underwent a dental procedure where the dentist dropped an instrument down Charles G’s throat. The instrument went into his lung, causing his death. Firms rejected the claim due to the Florida statute of limitation for wrongful death. The firm that permitted recovery filed the award, $370,000, as a survival action to his estate.
- Juan P was awarded $720,094.89 due to suffering a permanent injury that was caused from a penile implant surgery mistake.
As you can see, not everyone receives those outrageously high awards from the court. Most settlement awards from the court are right in line with the injury, the lasting effects and the pain and suffering the victim endured. Judges are finally keeping the settlements fair. The courts shouldn’t be used for a “get rich quick scheme”.