What Is Known Through Complaints Made About Fogle
McLaughlin has found that Subway knew about the problems Jared Fogle was convicted for since 2004. Back then, there was a complaint filed against the spokesman for comments he made to a girl out in a Las Vegas franchise of Subway. He propositioned a young girl for sex, and the complaint was made. This is a full 11 years before he would be arrested and convicted for inappropriate actions with children, among other issues.
It is also known that Subway spoke to the owner of the franchise and to Fogle, telling them both it was not appropriate and would be handled. However, there is no paper trail about anything more being done, and no calls were made to police after this incident. Another complaint was filed against Fogle in 2008 for similar actions as well as Fogle talking about how he liked to have sex with children. The same basic reprimand was made, and the police were again not contacted. A third complaint was filed after these, and there is no record of anything being done with Fogle or the police for that complaint, either.
The Problems with Not Acting
Subway did very little when told about what Fogle was doing. They talked with him about how it was inappropriate, but did not warn anyone. Had Subway stopped sending Fogle out to schools to promote their healthy sandwiches, or talked with the police, there is a chance he may never have hurt the children he did over the years. There is also the chance that McLaughlin and her two children with Fogle could have been spared a lot of pain and trauma. She wants to find out what Subway all knew about the spokesman, and why nothing was done to keep the public safe. She has promised that she will not stop until the truth is known. Hopefully, she finds the answers she is seeking so that her and her children can find peace and move forward with safety.