Logo Infringement
One of the training facilities relies on a logo that’s really similar to the LucasFilm logo. In fact, it’s essentially the same six wing curved shape, it just has slightly different proportions to give it a different look, but when you put the two logos side by side, it’s clear that it’s just a copy. The key question that prosecutors considered was whether or not customers would be confused or would mix up the two logos, and the prosecutors decided that was highly likely due to their high level of similarity.
Cease and Desists Not Working
In response to the classes, LucasFilm sent out cease and desist letters to a large number of companies. That was to hopefully get them to change the theme of the company, or to stop doing business entirely. While a few companies did close down due to these letters or change up their style, many simply ignored the letter and went on about their business.
New York Jedi, even went on to apply for a patent for the company logo that depicts the Statue of Liberty holding a light saber and it says New York Jedi in circular letters. Not only is the request not likely to be successful, but it could actually make the company look more guilty of infringement. Asking for the patent after getting a cease and desist in the mail, simply shows that the company is willfully infringing upon LucasFilm.
The issue with all these companies that are coming out with products and services based on Star Wars is that the universe is owned by LucasFilm and it’s likely that many customers will mistake the offerings being made as a product from LucasFilm directly. The companies are taking advantage of someone else’s creation, and they aren’t’ paying royalties or any type of fee to the company to compensate it properly.