American Patent Attorney

Widerman Malek Attorneys Meet with Japanese CounterpartsWiderman Malek Attorneys Meet with Japanese Counterparts

Widerman Malek Attorneys Meet with Japanese Counterparts

Mark Malek and Dan Pierron had the opportunity to meet with Tatsuya Sawada of Sugimura Intellectual Property Services during the…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek Attorneys meet with Brazilian Florida DelegationWiderman Malek Attorneys meet with Brazilian Florida Delegation

Widerman Malek Attorneys meet with Brazilian Florida Delegation

On Monday, January 26, a delegation from the Brazil-Florida Chamber of Commerce (BFCC) visited the offices of Widerman Malek to…

10 years ago
Japanese Patent Attorney Aki Ryuka visits with Widerman Malek ClientsJapanese Patent Attorney Aki Ryuka visits with Widerman Malek Clients

Japanese Patent Attorney Aki Ryuka visits with Widerman Malek Clients

  On January 26, 2015, Widerman Malek, PL was honored to host their colleague, Japanese Patent Attorney, Aki Ryuka.  Mr.…

10 years ago