
Different types of businesses in Florida

It seems that so many people are packing up from other states and relocating to Florida.  Many are retirees.  Many…

10 years ago

What is the difference between Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws?

Florida Today (Originally Published in Florida Today) Business Q&A By Edward J. Kinberg The basic difference is pretty simple. Articles…

10 years ago

Using Independent Contractors

Florida Today Q&A January 2012 (Originally published in Florida Today in January, 2012) Edward J. Kinberg I am setting up…

10 years ago


Florida Today October 11, 2012 (Originally Published in Florida Today in October of 2012) Edward J. Kinberg My past articles have…

10 years ago

Business Owner’s May be Responsible for Slip and Fall Accidents

Property owners are normally found responsible for all injuries that occur on their property. This is the case when that…

10 years ago

Local Featured Business: The Common Stone Pottery – A Place to Accomplish the Extraordinary

Former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher famously quoted, "It used to be about trying to do something. Now it's about…

12 years ago

The Advantages of Registering Business Name with the State

Business owners know that they should file their businesses with the state for tax purposes.  This is a responsibility and…

12 years ago