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Widerman Malek Law Blog

Paper Airplane Fun at Widerman Malek, PL

Widerman Malek, PL held another paper airplane contest this year at the firm, the goal of which was to see whose paper creation could soar the farthest. View the video and photos below! Sorry, your browser doesn’t support embedded videos, but don’t worry, you can download it and watch it with your favorite video player!

Top Six Facts About Estate Planning

When making arrangements for your passing, the discussion, although necessary, is never really an easy adjustment to make or accept. Nonetheless, everyone, at some point in time, needs to have the discussion and do the paperwork. Here are six facts about estate planning that will make the process a bit less daunting. Trusts aren’t just […]

A Whale of a Good Time!

Just a few days ago, a momma right whale and her young calf were seen off the shores of Melbourne Beach.  During the few days they will be passing through this area, many people will flock to Melbourne beach and surrounding areas in the hopes of not only catching sight of this beautiful whale, but perhaps even getting a picture.  This is a fun trip to take, but if you are one of the individuals on your way out to the beach with camera in hand, make sure to take note of the following:

Right Whale Melbourne Florida According to Federal law, individuals must stay at least 500 yards away from the whales. It doesn’t matter if you are in a boat, on a paddle-board, or even in a plane, the gap must be 500 yards.  A violation of this federal law could cost you up to $500,000 and a year in jail. The Florida Fish and Wildlife commission has stated they would prefer to educate people instead of imposing citations, but will bring criminal charges if needed.

The right whale population is only thought to number about 500 individuals.  They are currently a protected, endangered species.  Although they have historically lived to an average of 60 years, their lifespan has been drastically shortened due to being struck by boats, getting caught in fishing nets, and being targeted by hunters for their blubber.

In the winter, pregnant right whales swim from as far away as Canada to get to the warmer coastal waters off the Georgia and Florida coast.  Here they give birth and nurse their young.  In the early spring, they head back to their feeding areas which start in Maine and move northwards into Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.  As they migrate back north, they may be seen in one location for a few days because they are very slow swimmers.    

The McKee Botanical Gardens – Peace and Beauty in the City

McKee Botanical Garden A mere thirty miles south of Melbourne, just off route 1, you will find yourself in Vero Beach. It is here that you will discover the McKee Botanical Garden, one of the oldest tourist attractions in Florida!

Originally established in 1929 as the McKee Jungle Gardens, it was developed with the help of William Lyman Phillips, often viewed as the creator of tropical landscaping. It was at this time that waterways and trails were established and both native and worldwide flora and fauna were planted. By the time the 1940’s rolled around, upwards of 100,000 tourists visited the Gardens each year. Unfortunately, with the opening of some of the bigger theme parks in the area in the 1970’s the Gardens had to close down. Of the original 80 acres occupied by the Gardens, all but 18 were sold off and developed. These final 18 acres sat around undeveloped and untouched for over 20 years. Things turned around in 1995 when the Indian River Land Trust purchased the land after leading a successful fund-raising campaign. The Garden’s formal re-opening dedication was held in 2001.

I Bet My Crab is Faster than Yours

Nashville may have the Kentucky Derby, but here in Melbourne, FL we have the Crabtucky Derby.  The Crabtucky Derby is crab racing! The National Crab Racing Association organizes hermit crab races every Tuesday night at Crickets Spirits Sports and Food located at 1942 N. Wickham Road. Bar patrons can participate for free in the crab […]

Owen’s New FES Cycle

We would like to give a BIG THANKS to all!  With your help, The Widerman Malek, PL Kickball Tournament Was a Huge Success and we reached our goal to get Owen his new FES Cycle.  Take a look at Owen using his FES Cycle below and please know that we are all grateful for the […]

Brevard’s Corporate Dodgeball Tournament 2011

Brevard’s Corporate Dodgeball Tournament

June 25th 2011

On Saturday June 25th the Widerman Malek Attorneys at Law, became the Widerman Malek Attorneys at Dodgeball, AKA the “Lethal Litigators.”

Competition was fierce and while the Lethal Litigators didnt win the trophy and the $1,000.00 over sized novelty check, they did have a great time competing with local businesses and corporations.  Some of which are their clients which made for some exciting games and a lot of friendly trash talk.

All tournament proceeds benefited Brevard County, Boy Scouts of America, and Widerman Malek Attorneys at Law were also one of the sponsors of the Corporate Dodgeball Tournament helping to further their support for such a wonderful local organization.  To see more about organizations Widerman Malek supports visit our Community Page.



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