
Traps to Avoid When Negotiating Royalties

Royalties are a wonderful way for inventors to collect payment for the use of their inventions. Any time a song…

11 years ago

Tattoos – A New Frontier in Copyright Law

Tattoos, an ancient art that has enjoyed a modern renaissance over the past few decades especially as this type of…

12 years ago

Prevent Someone from Misusing Photos of You

What does Sophia Loren and Scarlet Johansson share in common?  Each of these women had nude photos of themselves posted…

12 years ago

Textbook Publishers Sue Boundless Learning for Plagiarism

One of the biggest gripes I had with attending college had to be buying textbooks.  Ten years ago when I…

12 years ago

The Bullies of Copyrights

No one likes bullies. Who doesn't remember the school bully picking on someone on the playground? Unfortunately, bullies can be found outside of the…

12 years ago

Joint Authorship Versus Work Made for Hire

“Do you like apples?  Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?”  These three sentences have got…

12 years ago