intellectual asset management

Terrible Trademark Trends

It’s likely at some point you’ve read something in a magazine or online that had a ™ by the name…

10 years ago

How to Determine if a Patent has Expired

There is not one way to determine if a patent has expired. It takes some research, and if anyone tells…

10 years ago

How to keep your product from being counterfeited

As a business owner, the last thing you want or need is to find out some third-rate company is making…

10 years ago

5 Ways to Prevent Being a Victim of Cyber Crime

We would all like to think that Cyber Crime does not exist but it’s real; very real. We hear of…

10 years ago

How to Choose the Right Patent Attorney

As an inventor, you know everything there is to know about your inventions. You’ve studied it, revised it, tested it…

10 years ago

Do I Need to Copyright My Website?

Most websites have a copyright notice in the footer, which is placed there as a normal practice by website designers.…

10 years ago

Monkey’s Selfie Cannot be copyrighted

In a recent event, British photojournalist David Slater, has accused Wikipedia of copyright infringement when the organization allegedly refused to…

10 years ago

A ‘Sweet’ Patent Judgment for Louisiana State University

Just recently Quest Nutrition LLC sued Louisiana State University in court over the rights to a sweetener the university had…

11 years ago

Anti-Plagiarism Tools: the new Weapon Against Copyright Violations and Other Intellectual Property Violations

Years and years ago it was very uncommon to find an experienced lawyer in anyplace but a big city when…

11 years ago

Food for Thought: Images on the Internet

In this day and age where anyone can write a blog or put up a website many use images found…

11 years ago