Since the legalization of marijuana, many landlords are finding it hard to find a clear delineation on whether or not…
A landlord has a lot of responsibility, including providing a safe and secure place for his tenants to live. In…
Florida backs up renters by giving them the opportunity to sue their landlord if they are not being treated right.…
I have been approached lately with the issue of oral modifications made outside the main written lease/rental agreement and what…
Loan Modification, Stipulated Judgment, Cash for Keys,...What do you do? It is best to talk to an attorney before you…
Construction Liens, Landlords, and Tenants A landlord can be liable for a construction lien (or mechanics' liens) if the landlord…
By: J. Mason Williams IV I have been asked several times whether a person can get their security deposit back.…
This spring homeowners may be thinking about sprucing up their properties’ curb appeal. Fences are a popular choice among homeowners…
Rhode Island, known as the Ocean State, has a beautiful coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. Its private and public beaches…
The short answer is no, you don't always have to pay your rent, but the circumstances that allow you to…