
Unseen Obstacles You May Face in Court When Fighting a Lawsuit

If you have been sued, your first reaction might be that you are going to fight it with everything you…

8 years ago

Parenting Agreements Can Be Works in Progress

More often than not, when people divorce, they get a parenting agreement that is meant to keep the children happy,…

8 years ago

A Pennsylvania Woman Receives Benefits for Her Common Law Marriage from Deceased Wife

Same sex marriage is a bit confusing in states like Pennsylvania, where the unions are expressed through a Commonwealth marriage.…

8 years ago

What Exactly IS an Emotional Support Animal?

Service dogs are a great asset to people with certain disabilities. They help those who are blind, or who have…

8 years ago

Contraband Forfeiture to Save Abused Animals

You love your pets, most likely just like another member of the family. You care for them, cuddle with them…

8 years ago

Check Your Homeowner’s Association Rules Before You Sign

Communities, gated or otherwise, and condos are a great place to live. Your lawn is taken care of for you.…

8 years ago

Your Rights as a New Mother Returning to Work

Breastfeeding has become an increasingly popular choice for new mothers. With the host of benefits it offers to both baby…

8 years ago

Repercussions of Driving Without a License

There's no two ways about it.  Driving a car is a privilege, not a right, that requires the acquisition of…

8 years ago

Firearms are Allowed in Indiana Polling Locations

There are currently a lot of questions floating around about whether or not it’s legal to carry firearms into voting…

9 years ago

Increasing Number of Child Deaths Through China Call for New Laws

General Law Abroad: Times are changing, and this means throughout the world and not just within our country. China is…

9 years ago