
Lessons Learned from Construction Case Law

On July 21, 2017, the District Court of Appeals of Florida, Fifth District issued a decision that has a couple…

8 years ago

Repercussions of Driving Without a License

There's no two ways about it.  Driving a car is a privilege, not a right, that requires the acquisition of…

8 years ago

Important Party Information for Licensing Agreements

A licensing agreement is where there is given permission, written and signed, that a party can market or create a…

9 years ago

Basic Definitions of Terms in a Licensing Agreement

Many people believe that they understand certain words when in legal documents they could be used in another manner. Understanding…

9 years ago

Setting up a Small Business Means Getting a License

In Florida, if you own a small business, you need a license – it is that simple. But, what type…

9 years ago

Everything You Need to Know about Licensing in General

It is easy to cringe at the thought of needing a license these days to go out and do just…

9 years ago

The Ins and Outs of Professional Licensure

When you are young and dreaming about what you want to be when you grow up, no one mentions the…

9 years ago

How to Get a Hunting and Fishing License

It is coming up on deer season and the weather is much more favorable for fishing.  Before you hit the…

9 years ago

Tips to get the most out of an intellectual property license

Licensing your intellectual property allows you to contribute to innovation in a broader sense by allowing others to access your…

10 years ago

So Many Rocks … So Little Time

Your company has decided to conduct an audit to take inventory of its intellectual assets (IA), and has an idea…

12 years ago