melbourne patent attorney

Widerman Malek Holds Annual Ice Cream Social

As is always the case every year right before school starts, the Melbourne Law Firm of Widerman Malek hosted an…

10 years ago

A Poor Man’s Patent is No Way to Patent Your Idea

A poor man's patent is not a good way to try to protect your invention. It does not give an…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek Host Dinner Party with International Trademark AttorneysWiderman Malek Host Dinner Party with International Trademark Attorneys

Widerman Malek Host Dinner Party with International Trademark Attorneys

The Attorneys of Widerman Malek, PL hosted a dinner for many attorneys that it conducts business with in the field…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek Attorneys Host Japanese Patent AttorneysWiderman Malek Attorneys Host Japanese Patent Attorneys

Widerman Malek Attorneys Host Japanese Patent Attorneys

On Thursday April 23, 2015, the attorneys of Widerman Malek, PL, were honored to host Patent Attorneys Tatsuhiko Abe and…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek, PL Attorneys Support Junior Achievement of the Space CoastWiderman Malek, PL Attorneys Support Junior Achievement of the Space Coast

Widerman Malek, PL Attorneys Support Junior Achievement of the Space Coast

  Attorneys Mark Malek and Scott Widerman    Kelly and Neil Swartz, Scott and Brandi Widerman, and Mark and Aileen…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek, PL Supports Brevard PALS at Wine Tasting EventWiderman Malek, PL Supports Brevard PALS at Wine Tasting Event

Widerman Malek, PL Supports Brevard PALS at Wine Tasting Event

On Friday March 6, 2014, Brevard PALS held their annual wine tasting event. PALS is an organization in Brevard County…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek, PL Attorneys Attend Association of University Technology Managers ConferenceWiderman Malek, PL Attorneys Attend Association of University Technology Managers Conference

Widerman Malek, PL Attorneys Attend Association of University Technology Managers Conference

Widerman Malek, PL Attorneys Dan Pierron and Mark Malek attended the 2015 Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Annual Meeting…

10 years ago

Rockin’ The Holidays


10 years ago

The Importance of Filing for Both Utility and Design Patents

While watching Shark Tank Season Five, Episode 10, I was reminded of the importance of filing for both a design…

11 years ago

A Fitting End(?) to Apple v. Samsung

By: Dan Pierron Nearly a year ago, the verdict in the patent infringement suit Apple v. Samsung came in, awarding Apple…

12 years ago