patent search

Can I License my Invention Without a Patent?

Technically, an invention can be licensed without having patent protection, but why would anyone pay for a right that was…

10 years ago

A Poor Man’s Patent is No Way to Patent Your Idea

A poor man's patent is not a good way to try to protect your invention. It does not give an…

10 years ago

Widerman Malek, PL Supports Brevard PALS at Wine Tasting Event

On Friday March 6, 2014, Brevard PALS held their annual wine tasting event. PALS is an organization in Brevard County…

10 years ago

Patent Protection Doesn’t Mean Freedom to Operate

By: Dan Pierron I've recently had several discussions with a client whose primary concern was his ability to make and…

11 years ago

There Is No Such Thing As A Complete Patent Search

By: Mark R. Malek My previous articles (see them here, here and here) have provided information on the requirements of…

12 years ago