probate law

How Power of Attorney Works

Oftentimes as people begin to age, their mental capacity starts to hinder their decision making skills. This is just a…

9 years ago

What’s the Process for Making Changes to a Will?

Life changes, we all know that. What you set forth in your will when you first arrange it may not…

10 years ago

Elements of Probate Law

Probate law might seem to be simple when you look at it superficially but as is the case with all…

10 years ago

What is Probate Law?

Probate law is a term probably everyone has heard of. We’ve all heard of probate judges. Do you have any…

10 years ago

Celebrity Probate Cases

Probably one of the most famous celebrity probate cases is that of Anna Nicole Smith and the death of her…

10 years ago

If It’s Unusual, It ‘Will’ Be Contested

For many, the last will and testament is a chance to make a statement about those who have stood by…

10 years ago

What is Summary Administration?

Probate is no fun – right? Who wants to deal with the courts when you are trying to get your…

10 years ago