trademark attorney

Five Classic Examples of TrademarksFive Classic Examples of Trademarks

Five Classic Examples of Trademarks

What is a trademark? “A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these that identifies…

3 years ago


The Kardashians are involved in a trademark dispute that may be decided by the US Supreme Court.  Kroma Makeup EU,…

5 years ago
Widerman Malek Host Dinner Party with International Trademark AttorneysWiderman Malek Host Dinner Party with International Trademark Attorneys

Widerman Malek Host Dinner Party with International Trademark Attorneys

The Attorneys of Widerman Malek, PL hosted a dinner for many attorneys that it conducts business with in the field…

10 years ago
Widerman Malek Attorneys Attend INTA 2015 Conference in San DiegoWiderman Malek Attorneys Attend INTA 2015 Conference in San Diego

Widerman Malek Attorneys Attend INTA 2015 Conference in San Diego

Widerman Malek, PL Attorneys Mark Warzecha and Mark Malek attended the 2015 International Trademark Association conference in San Diego from…

10 years ago
WM Partner Speaks to Community Foundation Non-Profit WorkshopWM Partner Speaks to Community Foundation Non-Profit Workshop

WM Partner Speaks to Community Foundation Non-Profit Workshop

Widerman Malek, PL Managing Partner, Mark Malek, spoke at the Community Foundation Non-Profit Workshop on September 12, 2014 about intellectual…

10 years ago

Trademark Fun – McDonald’s v. McDowell’s

Trademarks can be so confusing. Is it ok to use the same trademark as someone else? A detailed analysis must…

11 years ago

March Madness and Other NCAA Trademarks

By: Mark R. Malek So the big tournament starts tonight – that’s right, we are starting with 64 teams and…

12 years ago

We Both Have the Same Business Name. Am I in Trouble?

You started your company four years ago and everything is going well when all of a sudden you are handed…

12 years ago