Trademark protection

How Intellectual Property Laws Help Make Athletes More Effective

While it might sound a bit out there, intellectual property laws are part of what helps athletes improve. Athletes rely…

9 years ago

Why Intellectual Property Laws Were Created

Intellectual property laws are as old as the Middle Ages and they probably go back even farther than that, that’s…

9 years ago

The Purpose of Trademarks

Trademarks can serve multiple purposes and they can vary according to the company and what their overall intention is. There…

9 years ago

The Reasons Fashion is Hard to Trademark

Expensive designers that sell their clothing for thousands of dollars for one item are not very affordable to the masses,…

9 years ago

Monetary Damages in Intellectual Property Cases

In most intellectual property lawsuits (relating to copyrights or trademarks, for example), it is often very difficult for a plaintiff…

9 years ago

Intellectual Property and Conflict of Interest

Intellectual property might be a mystery to many.  What is it?  Intellectual property is something created by a person, like…

9 years ago

How to Buy Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property can be either owned by individuals or companies.  While many companies and individuals keep their creations, many companies…

9 years ago

The Star Wars Controversy

Here is it 2016 and everything is Star Wars.  There are Star Wars clothing items, Star Wars phone cases, Star…

9 years ago

Is Intellectual Property Management in the Future for all Companies?

Who’s suing for what?  What is pending against who?  Why are they filing where?  Thousands of intellectual property cases are…

9 years ago

Trademarks and recognition

When someone needs a tissue do they ask you for a tissue?  No.  They most likely will ask you if…

10 years ago