United States Patent and Trademark Office

Patent and Trademark Office Closed on March 3, 2014

USPTO Closed on March 3, 2014 due to weather.

11 years ago

Game Developer Candy Crush Stirs up Protests Over “Candy” Trademark

In recent years, we are seeing common words being trademarked that borders on ridiculous. How can common words that are…

11 years ago

Coinye, I mean, Kanye sues Amazon

Kanye West is surely no gold digger, but he’s certainly looking to figure out who is using his name satirically…

11 years ago

The Importance of Filing for Both Utility and Design Patents

While watching Shark Tank Season Five, Episode 10, I was reminded of the importance of filing for both a design…

11 years ago

Google’s Heart Shaped Trademark

It is truly amazing how much our world has changed over the last thirty years. With cell phones and computers…

11 years ago

Obamacare and The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

With all the hoopla going on with the federal government these past couple of weeks and with it being more…

11 years ago

Trademark Lawsuit “With Friends”

There is “Words With Friends”, “Scramble With Friends”, and now “Bang With Friends”? One of these is not like the…

12 years ago

Honestly – The Honest Company or The Honest Toddler

For those of you with small children and those who are expecting, you may still be in awe of the…

12 years ago

Case Brief: CLS Bank v. Alice (Round 5)

In a dissent from the court opinion filed in CLS Bank v. Alice Corp, Federal Circuit Judges Linn and O’Malley unceremoniously burst…

12 years ago

Case Brief: CLS Bank v. Alice (Round 4)

Another day, another case brief of an opinion filed in CLS Bank v. Alice Corp.  Today’s fare is the concurrence-in-part…

12 years ago